Origin Effects RevivalDrive
I bought this pedal in November of 2019 to get a natural sounding amp-like overdrive. I have been very impressed. It is designed to allow you to dial in Fender / Marshall tones using any amp on the planet. I was HIGHLY skeptical that it would work as well as advertised, but it succeeds brilliantly. Having said that, all of that control does come at a price! However, if you can afford it, I highly recommend it.
There are new, lower-cost versions of this pedal that have been released recently that provide one channel rather than two. I’m sure they are great – Origin Effects takes great pride in what they do and it shows. They also have a higher gain version, but IMHO you have to be a serious metal-head to need more gain than the standard RevivalDrive provides!
Customer Service
I have never needed customer service from Origin Effects, so I can’t say.
Origin Effects builds their pedals like tanks. My only issue is I lost a screw from one of the knobs on another Origin Effects pedal I bought. I plan on contacting them about it to order another one. I’ll let you know how that goes.
The Pedal’s Sound Quality
You have to swallow hard to pay $650 for a pedal! I mean, you can buy a quality Fender / Marshall amp for that kind of dough. But my studio is small. I don’t have enough room for multiple amps, and besides, my wife would shoot me if I filled the room with anything more than I already have!